Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Young and Uninsured

Hi, Internet,

Prepare to be depressed. Time magazine has done a series of videos called "Young and Uninsured". The one I am posting here features the cartoonist Julia Wertz. Ms Wertz is best known for her web strip and book, Fart Party. Ms Wertz also has lupus and is, as the title of the series implies, uninsured.

This feels like an amazing injustice to me.

I suppose I am putting this video here to highlight her plight and to hopefully direct people to her site and to buy her books and maybe help her out a little. She faces her disease, in the video, with great humor--and please don't think that her comic is only about her disease. She addresses her day-to-day life and she makes it all very funny. Her books are some of my favorite autobiographical comics. Seeing this makes me want to go and buy everything she's done even though we already own a lot of it. Anyway, I hope you watch the video and then check out her site and her store.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love Julia Wertz and Fart Party! And her art.