Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Achievement unlocked: agent acquired

Scott Pilgrim art by Bryan Lee O'Malley.
It feels strange sharing good news when half the country is being knocked around by a hurricane, but I guess that if I waited for a period of calm and peace then I'd probably never get to share this.

Just so I don't bury the lede: I now have an agent who will represent me and my novel, Zomburbia. Ann Collette of the Rees Literary Agency has decided to add me to her roster, for which I am very grateful. I wrote previously about how I met Ann.

Even before signing with her, Ann helped me a ton by giving me notes on my novel. Is this something agents do? Help authors with their manuscripts even if they don't have a formal relationship? I have to admit that handling the rewrite felt a bit like an audition. I guess I got the part...

For now, I have a few more rewrites -- minor stuff -- and I need to write a bio. Ann is beginning to put together a list of publishers/editors to whom she'll submit the manuscript. She thinks she should be submitting it around the middle of November. I hope I'll have good news soon after that. Either way, I plan to use this space as a means of recording the book's progress through the hurdles of publishing. Wish me luck.

You know, I really should write that post about query letters...


Will said...

Congrats! Sorry we couldn't talk more today. We have to get together soon.

Antonia Murphy said...

Congratulations!!! Isn't it exciting? I just wrote a similar post on my site, and talked about the query process here: http://antoniamurphy.squarespace.com/blog/2012/10/22/big-news.html

Was your experience similar?

Unknown said...

Hi, Antonia,

Congrats right back at you!

And, no, my experience wasn't similar to yours, or typical for that matter. I wrote about it a little while ago: http://www.adamgallardo.com/2012/08/let-great-agent-hunt-begin.html

Good luck with your book! I'll check in on your blog to see how you're doing.

jonyangorg said...

Congrats! I just picked up Gear School and it's so great, can't wait to see your YA out in the world! (Great blog)