Friday, January 30, 2009

About that last post

The one about my love of bad pop music. At the bottom of the post the keen-eyed observer will notice a stamp from a site called Plinky. Plinky is another micro-blogging site, but with a twist. Every day, the site feeds you a different prompt for you to write about. I decided to give it a try because Maggie Mason, she of Mighty Girl, wrote about it. I will do anything Maggie Mason tells me to do.

I almost decided not to join in, but then I started thinking of these daily prompts as little exercises to get me into that day's writing -- a lot like we used to do in one of my creative writing classes. Doing these helps warm up my fingers, gets them used to the keyboard, and it limbers up my brain. For the week that I've been doing it, I've found it helpful. A second benefit is that will help flesh out this blog, something I've needed help with of late.

I just thought I'd mention it in case you were curious and wanted to check it out. Please disregard its twee name, something of a must for new web sites, it seems.

That is all.

1 comment:

ThomSouza said...

Plinky it is then, it should help me finally get my new year going. I'll start it next week and let you know how it goes.