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The digital lair of Adam Gallardo
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Northwest Comics Fest!

I'll be at booth #14 along with Karen Morey. Karen and I will also be giving a panel on Saturday. The name of the panel is something about networking, and I'm sure we'll talk about that a bit, but we aim to talk about all sorts of things concerning publishing.
The fest also has a film component and in addition to me tabling and doing a panel, there will also be two screenings of a short film I wrote which takes place in the Zomburbia universe (though it's an entirely new story) called "Monster Movie." The film will screen on Friday, the 14th at 12:51 p.m. and Saturday it will play 1:40 p.m. A lot of very talented folks helped to make this short a reality and I hope some people get to see it there. More info can be found at the Northwest Comic Fest- Film Fest Facebook page.
If you'll be in the Salem area, I hope you come by and say hello. I should have copies of all my books (except Star Wars: Infinites which is currently out of print) and I'll happily sign anything shoved in front of me.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Pimping my friends in an attempt to feel better
It's late, and I'm tired and grumpy, so just a little something to make this actually count as a blog entry.
Actually, I think something that will make me feel better is to tell you about something one of my friends has done. Jenn Brissett has written a novel that is getting all kinds of amazing notice. Elysium is a new and notable book at Locus Magazine, it's been well reviewed at places like Publishers Weekly, The Washington Post and i09. And. AND it's nominated for a Philip K Dick award. I haven't yet had the chance to read it, but it's on my short-list, and I've heard from a few people I truly respect that it's nothing shot of amazing. Jenn and I went to Stonecoast together and she was one of those folks who were ahead of me that I wanted to keep an eye on. And with good reason. On top of having written a great book, she's also super nice.
You should all check out her book, and tell her that I told you to do it, okay?
There. I do feel better.
Here are tonight's numbers:
Daily word count: 1,466
Novel word count: 53,143
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Old music and writing, plus numbers
I've been having good writing days lately. I contribute a good bit of this to my strict lack of writing rituals. I've written briefly about this before. I used to ritualize the act of writing, and I've cut out all of that nonsense. Well, almost. If I have anything like a ritual anymore, it centers around the music I listen to while I'm writing. I can waste a good few hours coming up with the perfect playlist to listen to. Spotify has made this task both easier and more difficult. Easier in that I can find some many great songs so easily. Difficult in the I have so many more songs at my fingertips -- it makes choosing difficult sometimes.
Lately I've been listening to older stuff, stuff that I remember listening to 20 or 30 years ago. You know, when I was a baby. Not sure why this is. I usually crave new music. Maybe it's a phase >shrugs shoulders<. For now I'm just rolling with it.
Here's one song that's been in heavy rotation on my current writing playlist (entitled, imaginatively, Writing II) on Spotify. Supergrass were a British alternative band in the early '90s. This song, "Alright," is the only one I remember from them. I think it's in a commercial for something right now. That may be where I heard it and decided I needed it in a playlist. Or maybe it's in a movie the boys have watched lately. Kids' movies seem full of oddly inappropriate music cues nowadays, thought that probably hasn't changed much since I was a kid. Anyway, here's the video for the song, which seems like a classic of the let's-grab-a-camera-and-shoot-a-video-to-promote-our-hit-single variety. This sort of thing would never fly today...
That video really makes me want a plain white tee with "ADAM" printed across the front in Futura black.
Here are today's numbers:
Daily word count: 1,641
Novel word count: 51,677
Lately I've been listening to older stuff, stuff that I remember listening to 20 or 30 years ago. You know, when I was a baby. Not sure why this is. I usually crave new music. Maybe it's a phase >shrugs shoulders<. For now I'm just rolling with it.
Here's one song that's been in heavy rotation on my current writing playlist (entitled, imaginatively, Writing II) on Spotify. Supergrass were a British alternative band in the early '90s. This song, "Alright," is the only one I remember from them. I think it's in a commercial for something right now. That may be where I heard it and decided I needed it in a playlist. Or maybe it's in a movie the boys have watched lately. Kids' movies seem full of oddly inappropriate music cues nowadays, thought that probably hasn't changed much since I was a kid. Anyway, here's the video for the song, which seems like a classic of the let's-grab-a-camera-and-shoot-a-video-to-promote-our-hit-single variety. This sort of thing would never fly today...
That video really makes me want a plain white tee with "ADAM" printed across the front in Futura black.
Here are today's numbers:
Daily word count: 1,641
Novel word count: 51,677
Monday, February 2, 2015
50,000 and a late announcement
My latest work-in-progress is a fantasy novel titled Sowing Serpent's Teeth. I just hit 50,000 words, so I'd guess I'm about 50% through this beast. This seems like a good time to start recording my progress on the book.
Here's something I should have written about last week and didn't, because I've been slacking off, you see.
This is something I did with Zomburbia when I was writing it, though I started tracking that book much later in the process. I'm doing this for a couple of reason. 1) I want to hold myself accountable in a public way. I had a hard time with the beginning of this novel and I want to give myself as few reasons as possible to miss a day of writing. If I think someone somewhere might notice me letting a day slide, then I'm all the less likely to do it. 2) Tracking the numbers forces me to write other things in this space as well since I don't want to write about just the numbers. I've long been neglecting this blog and that needs to change. So, numbers it is if that'll help.

In case you didn't catch it, my novel, Zombified, the sequel to Zomburbia, was released last week. It's available from a number of online retailers, of course (and this link will take you to my publisher's page where you can find links to the book on many of those sites), but it would be great if you decided to buy it from an independent bookseller in your area. One indie book store you may want to consider buying it from is The Book Bin in my hometown of Salem, Oregon. If you get it through them, you can ask to have me sign or personalize your copy; something I'm more than happy to do.
There have been a few other things going on with me and my writing, but I'll save those for upcoming numbers round-ups.
That's all there is to say for now, I suppose, except I want to thank you for checking out my blog. Thanks for sticking around during the fallow period if you've been reading for a while, and hello if you're new to the place.
And now, here are the numbers:
Daily word count: 1,386
Novel word count: 50,036
Friday, January 2, 2015
Some Zomburbia and Zombified news
As a way to generate interest for Zombified, the second of my Zombie Apocalypse novels, my publisher, Kensington, have made the first book in the series, Zomburbia, a $2.99 purchase for all e-readers. That's one penny less than $3.00, which can't even buy you a latte, right? Unless my time in the land of overpriced coffee has skewed my perceptions. Anyway, here are all links to all the places where you might buy the e-book:
Speaking of Zombified, you may now pre-order it if you feel so inclined. The book will ship on January 27, and it's available from a number of online retailers.
It will be this price all through January, so you can pick up a (virtual) copy and be ready when the sequel, Zombified comes out later this month.

If you'd like to find a brick and mortar store in your area where you can order a copy, you can go to IndieBound and enter your zip code.
Speaking of brick and mortar stores, The Book Bin in Salem, Oregon, is currently taking pre-orders for Zombified. I'd encourage everyone in Salem to get one there. And if you'd like to order a signed copy, they're the folks to contact. I'll be happy to sign and personalize any of my books that you order through them. Here's their information:
(503) 361-1235
It's probably best to call, but you may also contact them via email.
I also have an ARC of Zombified that I'm trying to figure out how to give away. I'll keep you all posted.
I hope you're all having a good New Year so far, and I'll keep in touch!
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Want a signed copy of Zomburbia for the holidays?
It's that time of year again and I bet you're wondering what to get for the folks on your gift list. Books make wonderful presents, I think. And do you know what's better than a book? A signed book! And not just a book signed by any random person who might or might not be a hobo. No, you want a book signed by its author! Who may or may not be a hobo...
So, if you'd like to give someone a signed copy of Zomburbia (or give one to yourself -- you deserve to treat yourself), here's how you can do it:
There. I've made your holiday shopping easier by a factor of, oh, I don't know, ten. Or zombies. Or something. I'm a writer, math isn't my strong suit.
Happy holidays, folks!
So, if you'd like to give someone a signed copy of Zomburbia (or give one to yourself -- you deserve to treat yourself), here's how you can do it:
- If you're lucky enough to live in Salem, Oregon, stop by at The Book Bin in downtown. They have copies on hand, and I'll sign 'em up for you. I'm usually there Monday through Friday until 5;30, and even if I'm not, they have a pile of books I've pre-signed.
- If you're from out of town, you can always call The Book Bin and order a signed copy and they'll ship it anywhere you'd like. Their number is (503) 361-1235. If you'd like me to personalize it, let the staff know. You can tell me exactly what to write, or rely on my sparkling wit to come up with something...
- Finally, let's say you already have a copy and want a signature. What do you do then? Easy, you email me with your address and I'll send you a signed bookplate. For free. The bookplate features an excellent illustration by my buddy and collaborator, Todd Demong. The only downside is that the space for the signature is somewhat small, so I can't really personalize them.
![]() |
This is what the bookplate actually looks like. I sign it on the blank space on the bottom. |
There. I've made your holiday shopping easier by a factor of, oh, I don't know, ten. Or zombies. Or something. I'm a writer, math isn't my strong suit.
Happy holidays, folks!
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